Thursday, May 1, 2014

Frozen "Elsa" Dress

Here are the pics of the dress I made...for a first ever attempt I'm pretty happy with it!  The tutorial dress is smoother and more even, but I know my little girl will still love it.

The lady in the tutorial makes these dresses and sells them and I also have a good friend who makes the most adorable outfits and accessories, you can find her on Facebook at Little K's Creations!

If you are interested in making your own, here's the website to the tutorial I used!

Goals & Projects

Spring is in full swing finally!  I haven't given up on my original five goals, but I have to admit some are proving more challenging than others...and I added a project in the meantime to make my daughter's birthday the best it can be.

She is my girly-girl and in love with the movie Frozen, especially Queen Elsa.  She loves the songs, she loves the dresses, and is excited to be the first of her cousins and friends to do a "Frozen" themed birthday party.

When the movie first came out, she saved up her own money to purchase an Elsa wig.  Then she started saving up to buy the dress and shoes.  With her birthday coming up, my hubby and I were planning to surprise her with the outfit...and if you have any Elsa fans in your family I'm sure you know that all things Frozen are pretty much off the shelves and out of stock everywhere you look.  So, after looking online and refusing to spend hundreds of dollars on over-priced Elsa dresses I decided to attempt my own.  It's finally finished and I can't wait to see her try it on!

With my goals, I am making good progress in making time to be WITH my family.  Not everyday is a success, but I am noticing more good times than there used to be.

My relationship with God is slowly improving, or I should say that I am slowly improving.  God showed me that I was sinning in the fact that I said I wanted to have a relationship with Him, but I was putting other things ahead of Him when it came to how I chose to spend my time.  I'm starting to make a bigger effort and I notice that I get more out of my time with Him when I am taking time out of my day for Him rather than trying to squeeze in a devotion or prayer here and there.  Duh, right?  Well, I guess I learn the hard way sometimes!

My weight loss goals were at a stand-still and I think I am getting back on track again.  I can still say I've lost 3 pounds, but it isn't thrilling because I was doing closing in on a good 5 pound weight loss until I got discouraged and gave up for that few weeks.

Cleaning up my basement is a goal I did make progress with.  I didn't meet my original timeline, but I have gone through part of the pile.  The nice thing about this project is that if I do get discouraged, the pile doesn't get bigger.  It just sits and waits for me to find it again.

Happy May Day!