Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Goals?

Reflecting on this past year, my 2014 goals started with the best of intentions as all goals do.  I learned a lot about myself, there were some successes and some failures.  A learning experience to be sure!

Goal #1: Deeper Relationship with Christ - IMPROVEMENT.  I definitely spent more time with God and I've been more honest with Him, and I understand Him better than I used to.  There is still more growing to do.  I didn't do as well as I wanted to, but am doing better than I used to.

Goal #2: Get Healthier, Lose 7 Pounds - FAILURE.  It was discouraging to see how slowly the weight decreased by eating better, only to see it climb quickly when my eating habits regressed.  Mid-summer I got very discouraged and stressed with my job and I stopped caring about my weight...surviving life felt difficult enough...I've gained an additional two pounds from where I was last year; not where I wanted to be at all.
I'm disappointed in myself. I'm not surprised either.  This goal was a new experience for me.  I've learned a lot about my habits and I realize that I'm going to have to make losing weight a serious priority if I truly want to be successful at losing and keeping the weight off.  I still want to lose the weight, but I haven't decided if I'm ready to dedicate myself to working on it yet.  I have other things I'm focused on right now.

Goal #3: Spending more time WITH my Family - SUCCESS!  It will be a life-long habit and a word that I carry with me.  I'll never perfect it, but I noticed a big improvement in how I spent my time and energy.

Goal #4: Organize/De-clutter My Home - IMPROVEMENT.  Some areas of my home are much improved this year, but not my multipurpose room as I had planned.  I ended up focusing on improving my housework habits.  I had one day off without the kids home and that is the day I went through one full box of papers that needed organizing.  I still have several boxes to go through.  On the plus side, we replaced our desks and added one for the girls.  I've made a lot of progress in organization of what we use...I need to make progress on the piles we don't use.

2015 - Am I setting new goals?

I am making adjustments to my original goals and praying for God's guidance in two new areas.  I still plan to continue working on my home, even if it is only 1-box per year.  Progress is progress.  I've set a temporary goal to use my treadmill 3 times per week for 30 minutes each time, and I'm thinking more carefully about what I eat again.

I am praying consistently about my job.  I reached a breaking point and I am praying that God will reveal to me what changes I need to make -either changes within my job itself, or perhaps moving on to a different job completely.  All I know for sure is that I struggled greatly these past 6 months, and it took a toll on my family.  If it weren't for Christmas vacation, I may have had a breakdown.  Something has to change.

I've felt God leading me to volunteer at church, but I'm unsure of how or where yet.  I don't want to commit to more than I can handle -my plate is already full, but I do want to get involved somehow.

All in all, I am learning what is truly important in life - and sometimes goals need to be adjusted or let go, so that we can focus on learning, growing, and getting through hard times.

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