Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Goal #2 - Get Healthier, Lose 7 Pounds

This goal is kind of a learn-as-you-go thing for me, being that this is my first serious attempt to lose weight.  I'm using the concept of "Good, Better, Best" that I found in Elizabeth George's book, A Woman After God's Own Heart.  Basically it is making choices that continually improve as you grow in your faith.  I think it also applies to this goal.  I'm starting out with a good idea and a good plan, as my habits begin to change, I can make my plan better and better until it is the best it can be.

I've given birth to two children in the past ten years.  With each child I gained some weight that I've never lost.  Each child, I gained a pant-size.  It's been over 5 years since my last child and in the past year I have gained 7 pounds in addition to the baby-weight.  My clothes are tight and I am not thrilled with the growing muffin-top...although my kids like to pat it and lay on my jiggly belly.  At 5'3", my goal is to get down to 150 pounds from the 157.5 I was at the beginning of the year and to get healthier.

1. Does this goal follow God's priorities for my life?
My body is a temple for the living God...as such I need to feed it healthier foods and take better care of it.  I have noticed an increasing lack of strength and muscle tone in my body, it shouldn't hurt to play with my children if my only reason for pain is being out of shape.  I believe it is God's wish that all His children would be healthy and take care of themselves and others.

2. Is it a reasonable goal to accomplish with my strengths and weaknesses?
This question is a little more challenging.  In my dream world, I will be able to lose all 32 pounds I have gained through child-bearing and eating poorly.  But, knowing this is my first serious attempt and how hard it is to deny myself my favorite foods or the comfort of sitting brainless at the computer, I will be thrilled to lose the 7 pounds gained over the course of last year and fit well into my current clothing.  I am hoping to create better eating habits and build upon those habits as I go.

3. Will this goal enhance the lives of those around me?
A resounding yes!  My husband and children will greatly benefit from a healthier wife and mommy.  My example of making healthier choices will be something my children can learn from and be proud of, and it will help encourage my husband in his own weight-loss battles.

4. Do I have support and accountability?
My husband is also in the mindset to lose weight.  It was harder for me than him, but we actually had a candy-free Christmas this year and we didn't gain weight over the holidays!  My co-worker's pact with her boyfriend to not eat out for 6 months is helping me to eat the school lunches at work rather than going out to eat during the work week.  My accountability is lacking in this plan.  To be honest, I have a fear of making a commitment and failing.  Stepping on the scale is my biggest accountability so far because the scale doesn't lie.

5. What is my specific plan of action?
Consistency and learning new eating habits are my generic plans right now.  We will see if this method works or not.  Right now I am eating smaller portions, reducing my sugar intake (less pops, juice, and sweets).  I am also working on drinking more water.  During the work day I usually finish 16.9 oz, but I need to be drinking more than that.  My goal right now is to drink at least twice that much.  I do usually drink a good 24 oz at home in the evenings, but not always. 

So far my plan seems to be working, at least slowly!  I have lost 2.5 pounds in the last 5 weeks. "Slow and steady, steady and slow.  That's the way we always go!"  ~quote from my childhood Mickey Mouse book about Donald & Goofy racing.  :0)

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