Friday, February 28, 2014

Goal Update

February flew by!  Can you believe it is already March?!  Life has been incredibly busy, but I have been working on my goals and thought you might enjoy a quick update.

Goal 1: Deeper Relationship with has been a struggle for the past few weeks to be honest.  My work responsibilities have been overwhelming and I have to say that I was trying to do a lot in my own power without trusting God to carry me through. 

Knowing that my struggle was affecting my attitude, I began to work at making sure I kept the lines of communication open between me and God.  One of my favorite ways to hear the Lord is by setting my alarm clock to sound off with KLOVE radio.  Almost every morning I wake up to the lyrics of a song that are exactly the words I need to hear and meditate on.  It's a great way to wake up!

Goal 2: Getting Healthier...losing 7 pounds.  I've been following my plan pretty consistently until this last week where our family went through a nasty tummy bug.  While I was sick I went down to a solid 5.5 pounds weight-loss, but of course some of that was water weight, which I have taken back now that I am doing better.  The good news is that I can say I've truly lost 3 pounds in 2 months.

I realize that for some, three pounds in two months is a sad number when you can go elsewhere online and find someone who is losing double digits in a month.  I am simply thrilled to be losing weight, period.  I'm not as concerned with how long it takes, just that I am losing my extra pounds.

Goal 3: Spending time WITH my family...My job has been incredibly stressful lately and I have to admit I've had some moments where I lost it and was short-tempered with my children.  However, I have also had some great moments.  We've been playing board games -a perfect quality time activity -and I am keeping better boundaries on putting my phone away so that I am WITH instead of just located near them. 

Goal 4: Decluttering  I think it is safe to say I have successfully avoided this goal for the past couple weeks.  I did however find a desk for my children to use that I want to put in this space and so it has been on my mind more often that I need to make time to tackle the piles.

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