Saturday, August 1, 2015

Change. Exciting and Terrifying all at once!

As God usually does, when He knows your life needs to change, He allows changes to take place.
I was director of a large childcare program.  A lot of responsibility, many rewards and many struggles.  Slowly, it became overwhelming and a strain on me.  It was hard to be WITH, when I was home.  It was hard to manage when staff depended on me and had expectations on me, my supervisors became overwhelmed with their own job duties and without their support, I couldn't do it anymore.

I left my job nearly 3 weeks ago now.  Being in limbo like that is terrifying!  I had enough vacation pay to get me through just fine, but not knowing what to expect is always hard for this planning momma! 

The Early Childhood field is in a terrible place, good people and qualified people are hard to come by.  That made the job hunting easier.  Interviews all over the place.  My degree and experience qualifies me for almost any position.  The catch was that I needed to find the right place for me professionally and the right job that would provide for my family.

I've been blessed to have accepted a job offer just this past week.  I felt God leading me to this job, even though it is lower pay than another job offer, we'll be able to drop our children off at school and pick them up from school most days.  I also had a great connection with my new boss and her supervisor.  It's a job that encourages growth and I expect to learn and grow there!

My new role will be as an Infant Nursery Supervisor.  A new role for me professionally, but one I've been trained in and have a lot of knowledge and some experience with.  I'm excited for it and nervous of course.  I'm looking forward to what God has planned for me.

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